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Monday, December 21, 2009

Activity 11- using You Tube

I found this exercise ball trick on You Tube. I thought it was totally cool. I'd never try it...nor would I ever show my students this video because of all the dare devils I teach. Many of them would want to master this trick too.

While I nosed around on hits I got, when I searched "exercise balls" as a topic, I also found several "child friendly videos" that demonstrated exactly why I WON'T let students attempt to stand or kneel on the big balls. It would be great to show them a snippet of video that proves to them that I'm not just popping my chops...that I really am concerned for their safety while exercising and trying new things.

As for my likes and dislikes about You Tube:

I get distracted and before I know it, I've killed an hour watching crazy videos, instead of staying on task and sticking within my own topic boundary.
There's so many risky videos out there. The first few moments of the video might be okay but at the end, there could be profanity or unacceptable content for an educational setting. It is crucial that we,as educators, watch and listen to EVERY snippet within a video we plan to share with children. Filtering videos to use for teaching is a job that can not be half hearted.

There is a wealth of videos out there, that can help me teach fitness techniques and skills to developing learners. I can see where using videos of highly skilled movers will be a great asset to me as I age. My body won't let me do all the things I used to do when I was 18. Having this as a resource could be quite beneficial....and keep me out of the ER!

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