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Monday, November 30, 2009

Activity #10 Choosing an Element of Web 2.0 to Explore

I decided to go into the "Health" venue and nose around a bit. I chose the site entitled "Peer Trainer," at It is awesome! I have had an issue with my weight, for the majority of my life. This site has a free four week weight loss coaching program and you merely type in your email address, reply to a site-generated email which confirms your desire to join, and you're ready to go!
The site has tons of ads around the periphery of the screen, but the meat of the site is right in the middle of the visual propaganda. I was occassionally annoyed by a pop up ad that jumped right in the middle of an article I was trying to read. A simple click on the X and it disappeared. I think that I will delete my internet history and temporary folder after visiting this site. I will also run my internet security scanning program to ditch the cookies that are probably hooked on to my computer, because I am nosing around on Peer Trainer.

One of the aspects I really liked about this site is that they have a "weight loss Tip of the Day" email that will automatically come to me. Some of the topics from past emails included : "Learning to Breath"; "How to Stop a Late Night Eating Binge" and "How to Change Anything in Your Life". I joined the free, four week program called "Peer Trainer Boot Camp". From what I can tell, it teaches me how to apply the basics of weight loss to my daily life. I think that will be the true test of application...will I follow through or just read the stuff and run to Dario. The site is chock full of 1-3 minute videos that teach you how to do exercises using little or no equipment. It highlighted proper technique, breathing cues, muscle groups used, etc., so that you can see a demonstration and hear the important things to remember when executing the exercise. .
I also liked the links to various discussion posts about fitness, healthful living topics and questions generated from other folks trying to lose weight and stay healthy. These posts were archived by month and year, so there's more materials there as a resource.
I can also see this website as a resource for my peers in helping relieve stress. This Peer Trainer take into account the physiological aspects of weight loss as well as the psychology of losing weight and motivation to stick with it. I can see where this site can help those of us struggling with our weight by helping us develop and maintain healthy habits for eating, sleeping, moving, and living. I'm all for improving my quality of life! And considering that we are in the throws of the holiday season, this is as good a time to focus on healthy habits as any!

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Activity 9- Google Docs!

Oh my goodness!

That was pretty simple. I hope the folks I sent a request to, actually go and add/edit the document I posted.

I can see this tool as an opportunity to build morale. It could be a great way for folks to let someone know what a great job he/she did on a presentation or project. One sending it out, you would have to trust folks not to put bizarre or inappropriate items on it.

By passing this type of tool along to an entire faculty, we could easily send a person personalized birthday wishes WITHOUT having to hide a card from them.

I love the fact that everyone has immediate access to updated versions of the information in the document. Word Documents attached to emails can be such a pain. This is going to be so much easier.

I can also see this as a way to RSVP to events. Let's say you were hosting a covered dish supper. By sending an invitation via Google Docs, people could see HOW MANY folks were coming and WHAT they were going to bring. This would make it so much easier and alleviate redundant dishes at the feast. It would also allow you to know how many people you needed to prepare for.

As I looked through the other applications offered in Google Docs, I was immediately drawn to the template for the photo album. I have an idea of putting one together with pet pictures. Each pet has to have some sort of "dress up" item on it. No pet's health or safety should be compromised in creating additions to the album. I think it would be a hoot to see what people come up with. Now, where did I put that pirate hat...wonder if I can find the cat? Hmmmmmmm!

Activity 8 - Finding Feeds that are Martha-Friendly

This activity made my head hurt. My ADD totally goes into overdrive when I am faced with so many choices. I pop from link to link; site to site. There are sooooo many cool ideas and sites out just overwhelms my mind and imagination.

I think it is best for me to look for RSS opportunities to hook into, as I visit my favorite websites. This may keep me from getting so sidetracked by all the buttons, bells and whistles that are on the web. I have to learn to focus and not become so distracted. If that's a concern for me, I can only imagine how tough it will be for today's students to stay on task and not get pulled away by some flashing line or advertisement.

As for my favorite feed, I searched feeds specifically for physical education and came up with several. My favorite link is posted as a Widget on this Blog. Some of the most skilled movers in the world are encouraging the "regular Joe's" to show off their unusual talents. They sprinter named Alfara that balanced a stick on his foot for 2 minutes...cracks me up.

Activity 7-RSS Feeds-Feedback about Experience

This was one of the most difficult parts of the 23-Things Project, for me. I bogged down and had a hard time bringing completion. I like the fact that I could go back and listen to the directions several times to help guide me through the process.

I found some cool feeds to access and I even shared/put a link to one of the sites I found, on my Facebook page. I love "think out of the box" ideas that cause people to be creative and encourage them to move!

I feel like I am usually VERY observant....but my favorite thing I found out during activity 8, is the fact that on my internet Home Page, under "Favorites"....I now have my RSS favorite feeds right where I can find them easily. I never even noticed the tab for "Feeds" beside my favorite sites. Duh...wonder what else I've been missing?

As for addressing the usefulness of this tool, in the classroom:
I can see how students assigned a group project can quickly share ideas and current info through feeds. If one member of the group spots info that another member may need for his/her portion of the project, sharing feeds with notes could be a great way to spread resources to the people who need them most.
I can also see how teachers could use RSS feeds to keep up with pertinent information/data, such as presidential election results; medal counts during the Olympics; hurricane tracking-severe weather; ACC Tournament results, etc.