
Yahoo! Avatars

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Activity 8 - Finding Feeds that are Martha-Friendly

This activity made my head hurt. My ADD totally goes into overdrive when I am faced with so many choices. I pop from link to link; site to site. There are sooooo many cool ideas and sites out just overwhelms my mind and imagination.

I think it is best for me to look for RSS opportunities to hook into, as I visit my favorite websites. This may keep me from getting so sidetracked by all the buttons, bells and whistles that are on the web. I have to learn to focus and not become so distracted. If that's a concern for me, I can only imagine how tough it will be for today's students to stay on task and not get pulled away by some flashing line or advertisement.

As for my favorite feed, I searched feeds specifically for physical education and came up with several. My favorite link is posted as a Widget on this Blog. Some of the most skilled movers in the world are encouraging the "regular Joe's" to show off their unusual talents. They sprinter named Alfara that balanced a stick on his foot for 2 minutes...cracks me up.

1 comment:

  1. Martha,
    It's very easy to spend hours and hours going through feeds. There was a time when I had over 500 sites in my reader and consistently had over 1000+ updates each time I went in to read. It was just too much. I really had to go through and get rid of stuff I only read on occasion. Those feeds weren't necessary and I could get rid of them. Now I have around 100 and, while, still probably too many, its easier to get my focus around.

    You are doing great! Keep it up!
