
Yahoo! Avatars

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Activity 9- Google Docs!

Oh my goodness!

That was pretty simple. I hope the folks I sent a request to, actually go and add/edit the document I posted.

I can see this tool as an opportunity to build morale. It could be a great way for folks to let someone know what a great job he/she did on a presentation or project. One sending it out, you would have to trust folks not to put bizarre or inappropriate items on it.

By passing this type of tool along to an entire faculty, we could easily send a person personalized birthday wishes WITHOUT having to hide a card from them.

I love the fact that everyone has immediate access to updated versions of the information in the document. Word Documents attached to emails can be such a pain. This is going to be so much easier.

I can also see this as a way to RSVP to events. Let's say you were hosting a covered dish supper. By sending an invitation via Google Docs, people could see HOW MANY folks were coming and WHAT they were going to bring. This would make it so much easier and alleviate redundant dishes at the feast. It would also allow you to know how many people you needed to prepare for.

As I looked through the other applications offered in Google Docs, I was immediately drawn to the template for the photo album. I have an idea of putting one together with pet pictures. Each pet has to have some sort of "dress up" item on it. No pet's health or safety should be compromised in creating additions to the album. I think it would be a hoot to see what people come up with. Now, where did I put that pirate hat...wonder if I can find the cat? Hmmmmmmm!

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